Polskie Siły Powietrzne w II wojnie światowej

6 września 1940 r. - ppor. Janusz Żurakowski (234 Dywizjon RAF)

Poniższy tekst to meldunek ppor. Janusza Żurakowskiego (wówczas pilota 234 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego RAF; 234 Squadron) z walki w dniu 6 września 1940 r.:


Sector Serial No. (A) Y149

Serial No. of Order detailing Flight or Squadron to patrol (B)

Date (C) 6.9.40

Flight, Squadron (D) Flight: B Sqdn.: 234

Number of Enemy Aircraft (E) 8 15-20 20

Type of Enemy Aircraft (F) ME.109 DO.17 ME.109

Time Attack was delivered (G) 09.30.

Place Attack was delivered (H) N. of Beachy Head.

Height of Enemy (J) 24,000 feet.

Enemy Casualties (K) One ME.109 Destroyed

Our Casualties Aircraft (L) Overturned on landing - Cat. 2

General Report (R) See below

Personnel (M) NIL

Searchlights (N1) N/A

A.A. Guns. (N2) N/A

Range at which fire was opened and estimated length of burst (P) 1 burst of 2 secs. at 300 yds
1 burst of 4 secs. at 200 yds
1 burst of 2 secs. at 100 yds


I was Blue 2. Saw Blue 1 attack and reformed with Blue 1. Saw formation of DO.17 with ME.109's. Attacked a ME.109 in front of bombers from the front and from abeam. He holed my wing. He went over on his back, dived and I followed him. He climbed and went on his back again: fired second burst, and third burst, and crashed. Three ME.109 attacked me at 3,000 ft. Saw close formation of ME.109's in Southerly direction, far away. Returned to base and my machine overturned on landing.



Blue Section

O.C.B. Flight

234 Squadron Squadron No.