11 listopada 1940 r. - ppor. Karol Pniak (257 Dywizjon RAF)
Poniższy tekst to meldunek ppor. Karola Pniaka (wówczas pilota 257 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego RAF; 257 Squadron) z walki w dniu 11 listopada 1940 r.:
Sector Serial No. (A) F9(MH).
Serial No. of Order detailing Flight or Squadron to patrol (B) 85
Date (C) 11/11/40
Flight, Squadron Blue 2 (D) Flight: B Sqdn.: 257
Number of Enemy Aircraft (E) 9
Type of Enemy Aircraft (F) Bombers
Time Attack was delivered (G) 1330
Place Attack was delivered (H) East of the Naze
Height of Enemy (J) 15,000 feet
Enemy Casualties (K) 1 1/2 BF20 bombers destroyed (1/2 shared with Green 1
Our Casualties Aircraft (L) Nil
Personnel (M) Nil
General report
I attacked enemy bomber (No. 7 in formation) from below and behind from the distance 200 yards. I gave him 1 burst four second long. Just after enemy plane began to smoke and fire. He turned over on his back and dived straight into he sea. One of the enemy crew baled out with parachute. I attacked another enemy bomber and I gave him two 4-5 second long bursts. He began to smoke and glided to the coast. At the same time another of our fighters fired at him. We followed him until he force landed in the wood near Woodbridge. I was in Blue Section as No. 2.
K. Pniak, P/O.
Section Blue 2
Flight B
Squadron 257 Squadron No.