Polskie Siły Powietrzne w II wojnie światowej

16 sierpnia 1941 r. - plut. Henryk Pietrzak (306 Dywizjon)

Poniższy tekst to meldunek plut. Henryka Pietrzaka (wówczas pilota 306 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego "Toruńskiego") z walki w dniu 16 sierpnia 1941 r.:


Sgt Pietrzak. (Pole)

(C) Date. 16/8/41.

(D) Squadron. 306

(E) No of e/a. 15

(F) Type of e/a. Me 109

(G) Time of attack. 1244

(H) Place of attack. E. of Hardelot

(J) Height of attack. 18,000 ft.

(K) Enemy casualties. 1 Me 109 destroyed. 1 Me 109 damaged.

(L) Our casualties a/c. Nil

(M) " " Personel. Nil


I attacked one Me which was doing a climbing turn to the right. I fired 3 short bursts closing to 50 yards. I saw bullet strikes and the Me turned over to his back without diving. As I was attacked by another Me I could not observe more. I followed diving to 8,000 ft and approached to within 100 yards at which I opened fire, after two short bursts I saw smoke and flashes from the E/A and it burst into flames. I did not see the pilot bale out. This was at 3,000ft. Passing over the target I was fired at by m/g and over the channel I was followed by A.A.

Rounds fired:

100 x 4 m/g

56 x 2 Cannon.

Signature /-/

306 Squadron.

P.S. The film of this combat has not yet been received, and when it is, the 'Damaged' claim may be adjusted accordingly.