15 października 1940 r. - por. Tadeusz Nowierski (609 Dywizjon RAF)
Poniższy tekst to meldunek por. Tadeusza Nowierskiego (wówczas pilota 609 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego RAF; 609 Squadron) z walki w dniu 15 października 1940 r.:
Sector Serial No. (A) Y.109
Serial No. of Order detailing Flight or Squadron to patrol (B)
Date (C) 15.10/40
Flight, Squadron Blue 2 (D) Flight: "B" Sqdn.: 609
Number of Enemy Aircraft (E) 100 approx.
Type of Enemy Aircraft (F) Me's 109 and 110
Time Attack was delivered (G) 1245
Place Attack was delivered (H) N. of Southampton
Height of Enemy (J) 20,000 ft.
Enemy Casualties (K) 1 Me.109
Our Casualties Aircraft (L) Nil
Personnel (M) Nil
Searchlights (N1) -
AA (N2) -
Range at which fire was opened and estimated length of burst (P)
General report
I was Green 3. The squadron was attacked by Me's 109 and we split up. A few minutes later I saw an Me.109 slightly above me and opened fire from astern. He went into a left hand spin and pieces fell of the machine. He disappeared into cloud and I lost him but F/O. Olenski followed him down and saw his crash. The pilot did not get out and was lying or sitting with his parachute near the crash.
(believed between Milton and Lymington)
Signature, T. Nowierski
Section Green
Flight "B"
Squadron 609 Squadron no.