Polskie Siły Powietrzne w II wojnie światowej

9 kwietnia 1945 r. - sierż. Antoni Murkowski (309 Dywizjon)

Poniższy tekst to meldunek sierż. Antoniego Murkowskiego (wówczas pilota 309 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego "Ziemi Czerwieńskiej") z walki w dniu 9 kwietnia 1945 r.:


A. 9.4.45

B. 306 and 309 (Polish) Squadrons.

C. Mustang IIIs.

D. 1543 - 1937.

E. 1755.

F. 15 miles West of Hamburg.

G. 18,000 feet.

H. 18,000 feet.

I. Nil.

J. 3 ME 262s destroyed. 2 ME 262s damaged.

K. Personal narrative to include all details of tactical value.

W/O Murkowski, 309 Squadron.

I was Section Leader in Blue Section flying at 19,000 feet. As we met the second formation of Bombers returning from the Target, the Squadron turned to the left, and I then saw below, flying at approximately 4,000 feet, about 8 ME 262s. I instantly dropped my tanks, and dived to attack the Enemy aircraft, which were climbing to attack the Bombers which were spread out in bad formation, at the same time calling out the rest of the Squadron. I attacked thenearest E/A, who did not see me until I was withing range of 600 yards. When the Enemy aircraft sighted me he made a steep turn to the left. I opened fire and fired from 90/40 degrees, and as I finished firing I saw his port wing had fallen off, the enemy aircraft wento into a spin and dropped like a stone to the ground. I pulled up and turned to the Bombers. I then saw another ME 262 at which I fired at a range of 600 yards, I saw strikes on his rear fuselage and tail, but he still continued flying and dived away. I again turned and climbed to the Bombers and saw two more E/A. I saw F/Lt. Mencel fire at one, and I attacked the other with a short burst without success. I saw the two ME 262s, which F/Lt. Mencel had attacked go straight down at an angle of about 60 degrees and crash on the ground with a big explosion. On the way back from the target I escorted a lone Bomber R/ as far as the Dutch Coast. I claim 1 ME 262 destroyed, and 1 ME 262 damaged.

(Signed) W/O. Murkowski.

W/O Murkowski 1 ME 262 Destroyed 1 ME 262 Damaged. Rounds fired 960.

F/Lt. Gorzula 1 ME 262 Destroyed. Rounds fired 240.

F/Lt. Mencel. 1 ME 262 Destroyed. Rounds fired 680.

S/Ldr. Zulikowski 1 ME 262. Destroyed. Rounds fired 550.