Polskie Siły Powietrzne w II wojnie światowej

9 kwietnia 1945 r. - kpt. Jerzy Mencel (309 Dywizjon)

Poniższy tekst to meldunek kpt. Jerzego Mencla (wówczas pilota 309 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego „Ziemi Czerwieńskiej”) z walki w dniu 9 kwietnia 1945 r.:


A. 9.4.45

B. 306 and 309 (Polish) Squadrons.

C. Mustang IIIs.

D. 1543 - 1937.

E. 1755.

F. 15 miles West of Hamburg.

G. 18,000 feet.

H. 18,000 feet.

I. Nil.

J. 3 ME 262s destroyed. 2 ME 262s damaged.

K. Personal narrative to include all details of tactical value.

F/Lt. Mencel, 309 Squadron.

I was leading yellow section escorting Lancs. when I saw on the right side of the bombers 2,000 feet above, one ME 262 attacking from behind and below port side of the bombers. I went down across bomber formation and attacked E/A. He did a deep turn to the left and started to dive. I was already on his tail about 600 yards behind. I opened fire and followed him from 16,000 feet to 6,000 ft. continuing firing. I saw black smoke from the ME 262, which turned over on its back and went straight down. W/O Murkowski who was behind me saw the E/A hitting the ground and exploding. I claim one ME 262 destroyed.

(Signed) F/Lt. Mencel. 309 Squadron.

W/O Murkowski 1 ME 262 Destroyed 1 ME 262 Damaged. Rounds fired 960.

F/Lt. Gorzula 1 ME 262 Destroyed. Rounds fired 240.

F/Lt. Mencel. 1 ME 262 Destroyed. Rounds fired 680.

S/Ldr. Zulikowski 1 ME 262. Destroyed. Rounds fired 550.