26 lipca 1942 r. - kpt. Julian Kowalski (302 Dywizjon)
Poniższy tekst to meldunek kpt. Juliana Kowalskiego (wówczas pilota 302 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego „Poznańskiego”) z walki w dniu 26 lipca 1942 r.:
A. 26th. July, 1942.
B. 302 Polish Squadron.
C. Spitfire V.B.
D. About 13.45
E. 8-12 miles N.W. of Calais.
F. South of base to mid-channel. 8/10 Cloud up to 7000', Mid channel to over French Coast 4-5/10th. Cloud 6000-7000. Clear above.
G. Nil.
H. Nil.
J. 1 F.W. 190 destroyed.
When flying at about 15000' in a North Westerly direction about 8-12 miles from Calais, I noticed 3 FW.190 beginning to climb from behind. One enemy aircraft turned to attack me from the Port quarter slightly below but I made a sharp left turn and was able to give a short burst from a 100-50 yds., on the enemy's Port beam. Strikes were observed and the enemy broke off the fight. I could see that the E/A was damaged as small parts fell away and I also saw a series of flashes coming from between the cockpit and the engine. The pilot was endeavouring to bale out. I followed the E/A downnand gave two more bursts from dead astern. The aircraft continued in a steep uncontrolled dive and I saw the pilot bale out. I then set course for Deal and rejoined the Squadron.
I claim the aircraft as destroyed.
A cine camera gun was carried and was exposed.
Rounds fired - Cannon 32 rounds
M/G 60 "
Signed /-/
302 (Polish) Squadron.