18 grudnia 1941 r. - sierż. Leon Kosmowski (306 Dywizjon)
Poniższy tekst to meldunek plut. Leona Kosmowskiego (wówczas pilota 306 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego „Toruńskiego”) z walki w dniu 21 czerwca 1941 r.:
Personal Report - SGT. KOSMOWSKI, L (POLISH)
(C) 18th December, 1941.
(D) No. 306 (Polish) Squadron.
(E) Number of Enemy Aircraft - about 15.
(F) Type of Enemy Aircraft - Me.109 (F)
(G) Time attack was delivered - 12.40
(H) Place attack was delivered - 10 Miles North from French Coast North of BREST.
(J) Height of Enemy - 11,000 feet.
(K) Enemy Casualties - 1 Me.109 (F) destroyed.
(L) Our Casualties - Aircraft Nil, Personnel Nil.
(M) " " - Personnel Nil.
( ) Range at which fire was opened in each case of attack and estimated length of bursts.
1 attack - 300 yds.
2 attacks- 200 yds.
3 attacks- 150 yds.
4 attacks- 100 yds.
I was leader of Blue Port Section flying over the Channel 10 miles from the French Coast North of Brest. After the Squadron turned right to come behind the Enemy Aircraft, F/O RUTKOWSKI and I attacked one Me.109 F, which was firing at our bombers. After one short burst I broke away with a flick half roll and attacked another Me. which was flying on the left side. I gave it a rather long burst at 300 yards, after which the Enemy Aircraft made a flick half roll and I did the same, giving it a short burst. The Enemy Aircraft did the same manoeuvre again but after my third burst, pieces fell off and it went straight down. I followed it and gave a last long burst. The Enemy Aircraft fell into the Sea about 8 miles from the French Coast North of Brest. SGT. POTOCKI who was my number 2 saw it.
I fired altogether 4 Mg X 230 and 2 Cannon X 42.
/-/ SGT.