17 sierpnia 1943 r. - st. sierż. Aleksander Chudek (303 Dywizjon)
Poniższy tekst to meldunek st. sierż. Aleksandra Chudka (wówczas pilota 303 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) z walki w dniu 17 sierpnia 1943 r.:
F/SGT A. CHUDEK 303 (P) Squadron.
A ... DATE 17th. August 1943.
B ... UNIT 303 Kosciusco Squadron
C ... TYPE OF OUR A/C Spitfire IX
D ... TIME OF ATTACK about 14.00 Hrs.
E ... PLACE OF ATTACK South of Antwerp
F ... WEATHER Very good visibility. 1/10ths. High cloud.
J ... E/CASUALTIES 2 F.W.190's destroyed.
G.H.K. N/A
I was flying No 3 to F/Lt Arct. Near Antwerp we were warned of three e/a to the right and 3,000 feet below. We were flying at 25,000 feet. We dived to attack and F/Lt Arct took on the leader, the second one climbed and turned away and I went for the third and last of the formation. I opened fire from 200-300 yds at 3 degs above astern and fired a short burst cannon and m/g. My right cannon jammed and I had to correct my deflection. I saw no results and [?] fired a short burst from the same angle. I saw explosions on the left wing and cockpit. There was no opposition and I think I must have hit the pilot. I then gave him two more bursts and he caught fire and from 14,000 feet went down in a spin in flames.
I then turned left to regain my formation when I saw another FW190 alone. I attacked him from out of the sun, opening fire from 150 yds at 20 degs: from above and slightly to starboard. I saw only one strike on the engine and he dove. I followed him up and gave him another burst from 200 yds dead astern. He blew up and spun down in flames.
F/Lt Majewski saw a FW190 dive down in flames and strike the ground and it is thought that this was my first one.
ROUNDS FIRED: -Cannon 140 (Left)
M/G 400 (both)
Cine gun exposed: -10 feet.
F/Sgt. Chudek. A. 303 Sqdn. /-/