Polskie Siły Powietrzne w II wojnie światowej

14 sierpnia 1941 r. - plut. Aleksander Chudek (315 Dywizjon)

Poniższy tekst to meldunek plut. Aleksandra Chudka (wówczas pilota 315 Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego "Dęblińskiego") z walki w dniu 14 sierpnia 1941 r.:

Sgt. Chudek.

C) Date. 14/8/41.

D) Squadron. 315 Polish.

E) No. of e/a. 12.

F) Type of e/a. Me.109E.

G) Time of attack. 1750

H) Place of attack. Andres.

J) Height of e/a. 16,000 feet.

K) Enemy casualties. 1 Me.109E Destroyed, 1 Me.109E damaged.

L) Our casulaties, a/c. Nil.

M) " " Personnel. Nil.


I dived down to attack with F/Lt. Szczesniewski and saw two e/a together and fired at one of them at about 20 yds. range with cannon and machine gun - the a/c turned over on its back with black smoke coming out of it, and went down in a spin into cloud. As far as I could see the cockpit cover was jettisoned and large pieces of metal seemed to fly off at the junction of the fuselage and port mainplane. I followed this aircraft, attempting to take photographs (I afterwards discovered that I had no camera gun fitted) but suddenly I felt that I was being fired at, and saw tracer hitting my port mainplane. I did a sharp left-hand turn, and then I saw a third Me. below me which I dived at from above, opening fire at about 150 yards range to Port. I saw my bullets strike this aircraft, which dived into cloud. I followed him but lost contact, and returned home below cloud. I then saw on the way 2 Me.109's spinning in flames, and two parachutes open. I landed at Stradishall at about 1830, and claim one Me.109 destroyed, and one damaged. aircraft received two bullet strikes in the airscrew, and one on the Port Mainplane tip.

Rounds fired:- M/g 240. Cannon 42 each.

Signature /-/

315 Squadron.